Wow. We used this tidbit "everything I needed to know I learned in kindergarten" is so true. I just finished reading an article on how prescription drug abuse leads to injectable drugs. The article can be found at Another important point in this study is how prescription drug abusers also learned at home from other family members abusing prescriptions. This is not new information, but its shocking that parents have the power to truly influence their children and must use this power in the right way. Your parents were your first teachers. What are we teaching our kids?
Prevention is so important. Parents I encourage you to teach your kids starting young about the right way to take medicine. Use your daily vitamins or when your child is sick and needs a pain reliever. Kindergarten is the great age to learn medicine makes you feel better but can also harm you when used incorrectly. This teaching and learning in kindergarten will surely influence this child for the rest of their life.