Monday, April 4, 2011

Read the directions before USE

Reading the directions before use seems like the most practical step before you attempt to assemble something or operate machinery. But its the thing most of us do not pay attention when taking over-the-counter medication. Yes, I understand you've been taking Ibuprofen or cough syrup as long as you can remember. But do you really remember the exact directions of a drug that you may take once or twice a year.

Last week, my pharmacy tech had a dry cough so she took some cough syrup. For this particular medicine, the dosing is 2 teaspoons every 12 hours. There is a dosing cup that clearly shows the 2 teaspoonfuls. My tech thinking that she knew the directions did not look at the box and just took the medicine. She actually ended up taking 4 teaspoonfuls-double the recommended dose. She because extremely dizzy and drowsy. This was actual unintentional overdose. All because she did not look at the directions before taking the medicine.

Even if you have taken a medication for years, its always important to read and re-read the directions for proper dosing.

For you who are parents or work with teenagers: dextromethorphan in most over-the-counter cough medicines can be abused by teenagers. Signs of abuse could reveal itself by finding many empty bottles of cough syrup in one's possesion. Abuse of dextromethorphan can produce euphoria, visions, and distortions of body preception.

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