Monday, June 11, 2012

What do you know about Prescription Drug Abuse?

Prescription Drug Abuse Quiz

Content provided by: Better Medicine from Healthgrades

What Do You Know About Prescription Drug Abuse?

Prescription medications can successfully and safely treat mental and physical illnesses. But some medications can be addictive and many can be abused. Being aware of these potential harms can help you prevent them. Learn more about prescription drug abuse by taking this quiz, based on information from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
1. People of any age, income, education level, and gender can abuse prescription drugs.
2. If you continue to refill a prescription for a painkiller after the medical condition for which it was prescribed has been cured, you could be addicted.
3. Most people who take prescription pain medications become addicted or physically dependent on them.
4. Medications that most commonly lead to overuse and addiction are those that affect mood or behavior by changing the brain’s chemistry.
5. Addiction to prescription drugs usually builds gradually.
6. The following behavior may signal abuse: hiding the fact you're still taking a medication after an illness has been cured.
7. In addition to taking medication, people dealing with chronic pain should work with their doctors to develop other ways to ease their discomfort.
8. Many people who abuse prescription drugs also abuse alcohol and illegal drugs.
9. Most people addicted to prescription drugs can kick the habit on their own.

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